Kerberos Module#

hihi hahaha


The basic flow of a typical Kerberos authentication is as follows:

  • Client sends an unauthenticated request to the server

  • Server sends back a 401 response with a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header with no authentication details

  • Client sends a new request with an Authorization: Negotiate header

  • Server checks the Authorization header against the Kerberos infrastructure and either allows or denies access accordingly. If access is allowed, it should include a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header with authentication details in the reply.

  • Client checks the authentication details in the reply to ensure that the request came from the server

My Sample Python code using kerberos module (You can use requests-kerberos too):

import requests
import kerberos
import dns.resolver

from requests.compat import urlparse

def myrequests_request(method, url, client_principal=None, **kwargs):
    req = requests.request(method, url, **kwargs)
    if "Negotiate" in req.headers.get("www-authenticate", ""):
        hostname = urlparse(req.url).hostname
        canonical_name = dns.resolver.Resolver().query(hostname).canonical_name
        ret_code, context = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(f"HTTP@{canonical_name}", principal=client_principal)
        kerberos.authGSSClientStep(context, "")
        kwargs["headers"] = {**kwargs.get("headers", {}), 
                             **{"Authorization": f"Negotiate {kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(context)}"}}
        req = requests.request(method, req.url, **kwargs)
    return req

myrequests_get = lambda url, **kwargs: myrequests_request('GET', url, **kwargs)
myrequests_post = lambda url, **kwargs: myrequests_request('POST', url, **kwargs)

req = myrequests_get("")

Before running above script, you need to obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting tickets (using kinit)

How to create keytab file and run kinit with it

kutil -v -k your.keytab.kt add -p User@your.domain -V 0 -e arcfour-hmac-md5
kinit -kt your.keytab.kt User@your.domain
